Date : 04-10-2024
Sem 6 Exam Forms & Fee
Online Submission of examination forms & fee for U.G. Sem VI (2021-24) CBCS Exam 2024
DownloadDate : 22-08-2024
Sem 3 Form fill-up (2022-26)
Revised schedule of online submission of Examination Form & fee in the College officefor U.G. Sem. - III (2022-26)
DownloadDate : 16-07-2024
Re-opening of the Chancellor Portal
Regarding re-opening of the chancellor portal for the pament option for admission of UG Sem- 1(Session 2024-28)
DownloadDate : 29-07-2024
Sem 5 (2021-24)
Revised Programme For UG Sem - V Exam 2023 Based on CBCS System
DownloadDate : 14-06-2024
UG SEM 1(2024-28)
Regarding the revised schedule for the admission in UG Sem 1 (2024-28)